Right now

I’m currently working as an Backend Engineer Engineer in Adevinta, the best company on earth! I’ve been in the software industry for 3 years already and I still can’t get enough 🚀


– I did a first internship as a Junior Web Developer, primarily working on backend with Symfony (PHP7), though I also tackled some frontend tickets.

– Then, I did a second internship as a Junior Mobile Developer where I got to develop for Android (Java) and also got to mess with Laravel (PHP7) and Flutter (Dart) projects.

– I graduated from Computer Science with a Software Engineering specialization on June 2019.

– In 2021 I got promoted to a Backend Engineer and kept my spot in the team, while being given more freedom and independence.

Main interests

Backend – These days I’m most involved on backend projects, creating microservices using Spring Boot (Kotlin) and deploying them on Kubernetes clusters.

Android – An Android app was the first project I ever developed and what inspired me to learn how to program. I’m still in love with the framework (<3) and I follow closely the Android Dev scene.

Coaching – Even though I got little experience in the SE field, I enjoy transmitting the useful knowledge I know to others.

Writing – I like to think I’m part of the rare breed of developers that actually like writing documentation. I love getting into other people’s repositories and just cleaning up their documentation.

Ops / DevOps – I fricking love all things related to engineer productivity. I’m a big fan of tools and technologies aimed to help developer life.

Product – I don’t see myself wanting to work in a product position – engineering is just too much fun! However, I admire Product people and I believe that, from a developer perspective, it is benefitial to be interested in this field. I’m not a designer by any means. However, I really like the Product aspects of Software Development.

Git – What can I say. I’m a big fan of Git, it is my favourite piece of software ever, and the only reason I don’t have it tattooed yet is because I still haven’t come up with a branch-inspired design that I like.

Non-programming hobbies:

Gaming – I’m a big fan of Smash Bros, though nowhere good enough to compete in tournaments. I enjoy going for easy goals in FIFA 20, playing fast-paced shooters like Titanfall 2 and keeping my OCD at bay with Animal Crossing.

Music –  My extensive music collection is something I take pride on. I’m always following the latest news of the Hip Hop and Pop scenes. My favourite artists are Kanye and Taylor.

TV –  As every other sane person living in the 2020’s, I stay on top of all shows that become popular. I’m a big fan of fantasy/sci-fi (GoT, Stranger Things), and light comedies (The Office, The IT Crowd, B99, Community).

Movies –  Anything involving space, superheroes, time-travel or Leonardo Dicaprio. THE MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE.

Books –  Yep, I’m just another one of those annoying Harry Potter fans. I don’t always find the time to read, but when I do, I enjoy reading Science Fiction (Asimov’s works) and Fantasy (Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, His Dark Materials).

Some of my favourite reads – you might find them interesting!



Sci-fi Short Stories